I'm Reading Moral Values eTwinning Projesi

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Öğrencilerimiz projemizin adının harflerini kullanarak değerler konulu bir akrostiş şiir yazılar


I'm valuable  with my values 
My values make me more precious
Reading helps knowledge increase
Earth is beautiful if we can protect our values
And we'll be alone if we don't protect our values.
Day by day the world gets betterif there is KINDNESS
I believe that goodness will save the world
Never forget that our values are what keep us alive in the earth
Generosityis the best,but in everything; both love and respect
Moral values should be taught to every student.
Our students will learn to respect diversity.
Read stories about moral values and discuss them.
Art and literature will also reveal them to you.
Love is the greatest value of all.
Values give meaning to life
And changes the wolrd
Learning the values can make you better,so
Use all the values in your life 
Even the earth is in need of respect, mercy and love
Spread yourself like a seed to hearts with moral values
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